30 May 2005

Asthmatics Who Laugh May Be In Trouble

Dr. Stuart Garay of the New York University Medical Center in New York has recently found that asthmatics who have laughter-induced attacks should take it as "a sign that you need some adjustment in your medication."
Garay and colleagues asked 235 people with asthma if laughter affected their asthma. They found that 56 percent of people developed symptoms after laughing, most commonly cough and chest tightness.

However, 47 percent of people with asthma brought on by laughter said that when their asthma was under good control, they could laugh all they want, and have no symptoms. "When their asthma's not controlled, it's easier to bring out these symptoms," Garay said.

He emphasized that no one should try to live without laughter to avoid an asthma attack.

[Reuters Health]

Asthma is a disease that is all about hypersensitivity. Asthmatics have super-sensitive airways that react by constricting (bronchoconstriction) when irritated. Irritations are legion and can range from dust to molds. There are also triggers like laughter which can also bring about an unwanted attack.

The study by Dr. Garay is insightful because it tells us that adjusting asthmatic medication may relieve asthmatic symptoms induced by laughter.

Should you be one of those, consult your doctor about the possibility of adjusting your drug dosage for better asthma control --- even during laughing moments.

More details about asthma here.

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