'Simply overloaded. We're packed to the brim this week, ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome to the 46th edition of the Grand Rounds, coming to you live from Manila, Philippines! It is my honor to host (for the second time) and bring to you this prestigious weekly gathering of the choicest medical and health posts from all over the world. For this week's GR, I received more than 40 exceptional entries which I think will give you all the sensory overload, intellectual jolt, and emotional rollercoaster ride you'll ever wish for. Let's get the ball rolling, grab a chair, and let's begin....
Physician's Life and Thoughts
Can doctors still remember why they became doctors? DB's Medical Rants has a beautiful eye-opener to remind us why we chose this field in the first place.
The Red State Moron ponders in two enlightening posts how doctors deal with medical errors, himself included.
Does apologizing invite more trouble in your doorstep? My friend Sue Pelletier of MeetingsNet follows this up by saying that love means learning to say 'I'm Sorry.'
What happens when a doctor discovers she is afflicted with the dreadful C? Dr. Greenleaf of Vanity Speaks speaks her heart out in "Going Nowhere" and "Until Then."
The Cheerful Oncologist shares some of Dr. Greenleaf's opinion and laments the frustrating world of the medical oncologist.
Do you sometimes encounter patients who believe the medical advice coming from mass media more than the sound advice of a doctor? Yes? Then, you and the Internal Medicine Flea have something in common.
Like any other worker, a doctor ought to be paid for his services. But how much? How do you define just compensation? Read what Dr. Potato has to say about this.
On a lighter note, this compilation of office notes by treating physicians by Dr. Tony will tell you that truth is not just stranger than fiction. It's amusing, too.
Serendipity Moments with Patients
Staying in the ICU as a patient for 6 months can make one uncommunicative, but Geena of Code Blog found out that a trip outside the ICU with glorious sunshine and birds singing can do wonders.
There's a flurry of emotions when May of About a Nurse shifts from being irritated to being awed by unconditional love.
Who is Scrappy? And when does a patient encounter escalate from a High Drama 7 to a High Drama 10? Find out from Beajerry as she goes for an adventure in scrappyland.
Which do you think is better, a visit to the eye doctor or a visit to the dentist? Read Josh's amusing take on his eye doctor appointment.
Read a medical student's touching first encounter with grown men who cry and know that it takes a lot of emotional expertise to become a doctor.
Clinical Pearls and Tips To Live By
If you are in medschool and want to save more for future expenses, you can try this useful tip from the Haversian Canal. Try barbering. Did you know there was a time when barbers competed with doctors?
MSSP Nexus gives us a tip on how to be able to look at someone in the light of who they can become, not necessarily who they are.
Having problems with your patient's HEENT exam? Learn how Cathleen of Chiisai Tokoro got around honing her skills with her siblings who were "extraordinarily ticklish."
How about a quiz to test our skills? Try this GI Photo Quiz of Dr Clay.
SimulConsult Cases Blog takes on a case of isovaleric acidemia in a 3-year-old boy.
I've always wondered if medical practice and blogging can go together. Clinical Cases and Images has some useful advice not just for me but for all medbloggers like Red State Moron and GruntDoc.
Still on medical blogging, Information is Free provides a mini-review of medical bloggers, and facing up to the challenge of "trying to write with regularity."
'Care to interpret President Bush's physical exam? Let Dr. Kevin do it for you. Read a thorough analysis of Dubya's PE, and see how fit the US President is.
Buckle up. Buckle up. We always hear that. Aggravated DocSurg tells you graphically the reason why modern seatbelts were invented.
Scientific Findings and Psychologic Concerns
Medpundit ponders whether the placenta will be the salvation of mankind in the future.
Dr. Amy of Clinica Cayanga explores the possibility of prostate cancer with a low PSA value.
Current scientific progress now allows us to examine our risk for diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Genetics and PH blog discusses the significance of face-to-face genetic counselling and how we can lessen the stress that accompanies the genetic risks that we have.
Want to know the details of drug development in the academia? Read on, as Orac provides us with interesting details and his odds of producing a drug that would net him millions of dollars.
Shrinkette provides a thorough discussion of psychosomatic medicine and the limitations of placebo treatment.
Corpus Callosum points out how we can help suffering patients and friends get rid of the stigma of schizophrenia.
Health Costs and Policies
Dr. Andy points out that good medical care is expensive but worth it.
How do we achieve quality in medical care other than giving higher costs and expenses? Dr. Bob provides detailed proposals on attaining this goal. Check it out.
Are specialty hospitals all about profit, profit, and more profit? Bard Parker has a lengthy and stimulating discussion on the financial underpinnings of running specialty hospitals.
Waiting can drive you crazy. Interested Participant laments the long waits for medical care in Britain, Canada, and Australia.
The Health Business Blog has some interesting notes on the use of tPA by hospitals and the reimbursements that go with it. Do hospitals use tPA to treat stroke patients or to get more reimbursements? That is the question.
Insurance cost mismatch is the intriguing topic of InsureBlog. Read his suggestions on how to solve the problem.
How do Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) handle the truth? Let's hear it from Matthew Holt of the Health Care Blog as he tackles how PBMs tell the truth while hiding the truth.
Planning to open a hospital of your own? Well, sit down, and take this lesson from Hospital Impact. Learn the financial dynamics of running a hospital using a Ronald McDonald perspective.
Food For Thought and Bulletins
Do you know what an Aum is? Join the good Dr. Charles as he discovers the birth of the universe.
In the late 1940s and early 1950s, there was wide criticism and attack on comic books according to Polite Dissent. Comics were thought to contribute to juvenile delinquency (whoa!). This development gave birth to "New Direction" comics with titles like MD and Psychoanalysis.
GruntDoc explores the importance of the role PM Techs (PMTs) in Navy Preventive Medicine and how they keep the Marine Corps free from preventable illnesses.
Doc Shazam relates his story on being the ED physician-on-call when the body of a missing Ranger was found last weekend in Rocky Mountain National Park.
This is not a hoax letter asking for help. This is the real thing. A real little girl with a real need for a real liver is the message of the post at Healthy Concerns.
The Krafty Librarian brings our attention to the alarming news that the No. 2 best selling book (second only to Harry Potter) in the US today is authored by a convicted felon. It's nothing but a "quack book" according to her.
Aaahhh, finally, now I can say, "That's All, Folks." We can now finally take a break, have a cup of coffee, and head back to our respective clinics to see more patients.
It's lovelier hosting the Grand Rounds the second time around. This is definitely bigger than my first when I only had 20-something entries. I hope the other first-timers will do it again, too.
Next week's Grand Rounds will be hosted by Circadiana. Be sure to submit on time.
For guidelines on the Grand Rounds, click here. The GR Archives are all stashed at an Undisclosed Location. Write to Nick if you are interested in hosting future Grand Rounds.
Au revoir! Thanks to all of you.
UPDATE: Special thanks to Genetics and Public Health Blog, MSSPNexus Blog, Red State Moron, MedMusings, Aggravated DocSurg, Dean's World, Accidental Verbosity, Instapundit, Health Business Blog, Healthy Concerns, InsureBlog, Pharyngula, GruntDoc, Polite Dissent, Corpus Callosum, TTLB UberCarnival, Simon World, Catnip, MeetingsNet, Shrinkette, Medpundit, KidneyNotes, DB's MedRants, Kevin, MD, Dr Charles, Orac, Entropy Manor, Cacoethes Cognitum, and Dr Potato for the links and trackbacks. 'Couldn't have done it without your help, guys!
11 reactions:
You had a lot of reading to do this week! Thanks for hosting.
I sure did, Lei. I sure did. You're welcome. =)
Thanks, Enoch. =)
wow... daming great articles dito... yum yum!! ika nga ni renz, sana uulitin!! and i owe you an article doc. ;)
Thank you, Dr Potato, Jules, and Angelbeam. If ever maulit ito, Jules, that would be my third time already.
Great article, with good information. I appreciate the effort by author.
Just saying hello while I read through the posts
hopefully this is just what im looking for, looks like i have a lot to read.
I am very thankful to the author for this step...I like your posts you share here..
Sharp tools make good work.
The Australian National University
Good is good, but better carries it.
Its really good to have all the links to terrific medical blogs together thanks for sharing this.
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