16 March 2006

Crestor is Effective But....

Crestor is rosuvastatin, a lipid-lowering agent prescribed to patients with abnormal lipid profiles. Days ago, a study showed that high doses of the drug can clear up arteries clogged with fatty deposits, in effect reversing atherosclerosis, and preventing possible heart and stroke attacks.

But not many people are rushing to buy the medicine. Many experts are criticizing the study's small sample size, and the lack of a comparative statin in the study. Although effective, Crestor is hounded by calls for its withdrawal from the market by concerned consumer groups because of reports of serious muscle wasting and kidney problems. In my own experience, I've had patients complaining of muscular aches after just a week of use.

This is the perennial problem of doctors with medicines. It is always a double-edged sword. Sure, they deliver what they promise in those advertisements, but they also deliver something more --- unwanted side effects. You simply can't have it all.

6 reactions:

algol said...

If there were no side effects, then there would be no need for doctors in deciding which medicine to take. Everything will just be over the counter

Dr. Emer said...

Not necessarily, algol. There are other aspects of pharmacology that need to be addressed.

HART (1-800-HART) said...

I'm been trying to document my history in getting in shape. I'm just recapping my story recently.. HERE

I didn't like Crestor. Didn't like the risks. Didn't like my doctor for prescribing to me and I wrote an email to my wife after attending my 30-day exam with my doctor after taking the drug to see it destroyed my liver .. I wrote this May 19, 2005.. I told him that I didn’t like the Crestor, and I found it very discomforting actually, because at night, when I was inactive all I can feel was inner body burning as if trying to increase my metabolism and my legs were quite annoying and I couldn’t sleep for more than 2 hours at a time.

I've been eating healthier since then, and due for another 'test' in May 2006 .. we'll see if I did the right choice and not take Crestor. PS. nice blog.

Dr. Emer said...

Thanks for dropping by and sharing your story, Hart.

Anonymous said...

I must digg your post therefore more folks are able to look at it, very helpful, I had a hard time finding the results searching on the web, thanks.

- Murk

generic crestor said...

I had a headache 24/7. Liver enzymes were dangerously high. I'm doing better on Zocor, but my LDL is higher.