15 January 2009

Plurk, Not Twitter

No hard feelings, Twitter, and Twitter friends.

While I still remain a Twitter member, I seldom visit there now. These days, I plurk more than I twit. [Note: Ten years ago, "plurk" and "twit" were not even words.] My friend, macaronigirl, who also has Twitter account, convinced me to switch to Plurk. It took some time before I tried Plurk, but when I tried it, I made a permanent switch.

I'm blogging about this to inform all those people who requested to be my Twitter friend (see below) to go to my Plurk profile instead. I hardly twit anymore.

For those who still do not know what Plurk or Twitter is, read here.

Random thoughts and self-imposed FAQs:

  • While Twitter is the first-mover of micro-blogging, Plurk has improved the concept by coming up with a more dynamic user interface. Also, there are less downtimes in Plurk. Twitter has a larger subscriber base, and its downtimes are understandable.

  • Should doctors micro-blog? I think they should. If they can do Twitter, then, they can certainly Plurk, too. Better yet, do what I did. Just choose between the two. Also, if work interferes too much, and blogging is impossible, then, micro-blogging is the answer. One-liners for the busy people.

  • But what if one has no PC around? Any Wifi-enabled mobile device will work. Here in Manila, one can plurk or twit using portals that work with mobile devices, Wifi-enabled or not. So, it's pretty easy. One needs to simply register, and everything is set up already.

  • Why is Plurk more addicting than Twitter? Because like your Yahoo! Messenger, it has lively emoticons. It also has that karma-system, which one must always strive to keep up in order to reach the so-called "nirvana" state. Psychologically, Plurk developers have mastered the main element of operant conditioning, which is reinforcement. Devious, I know, but hey, it works!.

  • Should patients twit or plurk their doctors about their symptoms or illness? No. The best way to diagnose is still the old-fashioned way. Nothing beats seeing a patient personally in the clinic or hospital. If it's an emergency, go to the nearest hospital immediately! Forget about plurking or twittering about it.
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