"No matter what you look at, the risk of dying is decreased if you have a good semen quality compared to low; the poorer the semen quality, the higher the risk of dying."
That is what one of the researchers involved in the study said.
To test the hypothesis that semen quality might therefore be related to illness and death, the researchers looked at men who had been referred to the Copenhagen Sperm Analysis Laboratory between 1963 and 2001, following them through the end of 2001 or until they died. They restricted their analysis to 43,277 men with viable sperm in their semen.
As the concentration of sperm in the men's semen increased, so did their lifespan, the researchers found. Men whose sperm concentration was 40 million per milliliter were 40% less likely to die during the course of the study than men with sperm concentrations below 10 million per milliliter.
Longevity also rose steadily with the percentage of a man's sperm that were "motile," meaning they moved around normally; and the percentage of normally formed sperm. For example, men with 75% or more normal sperm had a 54% lower risk of dying than men who had less than 25% normal sperm. ~ Reuters, 5 Aug 2009
Another 0bservation made in the same study is that men "who had fathered children lived longer than childless men." Fertility has its rewards.
This seems to be true. In the Philippines, famous personalities like Dolphy, Ramon Revilla, Sr., and even former President Joseph Estrada, who are all known to have fathered several children outside of their respective marital relations, are all still alive and kicking today. They might have been sick or suffered from stroke attacks in the past, but their recovery periods are commendable compared to men belonging to similar age brackets.
But this new finding shouldn't be misconstrued as evidence to support men's hidden desires to father children out of their marriages. No, sir. I think men can still have more children with their wives, and well within the context of a monogamous relationship. Besides, I still think the mindset to have more children outside of marriage is culture-driven.