28 November 2004


Unfaithful men are old news. They're found in almost any place and any time span. Unfaithful women, however, are still hot items because they happen infrequently and in a country like ours, the subject matter always fills the gossip mills.

In the case of unfaithful women, there is now something to blame:

One woman in five in Britain is likely to be unfaithful to her partner, and we now know what to blame: her genes.

In one of the largest ever sexual surveys, involving 1,600 pairs of twins, scientists discovered that 40 percent of female infidelity can be explained by heredity.

In the study, published yesterday in the journal Twin Research, scientists from St Thomas' Hospital, London, logged responses from matching pairs of identical and non-identical twins.

The women were aged between 18 and 80 and on average they had had between four and five sexual partners. One in four had been divorced, and one in five admitted to infidelity.

Tim Spector, who directs twin research at the hospital, said that if genetics had a role in behaviour, then identical twins would always be more likely to share a trait than non-identical twins.

[Guardian Unlimited]

If your lady partner is unfaithful, blame her genes? This is what the study seems to imply.

Analyzing it deeply, we see that the researchers "discovered that 40 percent of female infidelity can be explained by heredity." What I see here is the half-conclusion.

For me, the true conclusion should be that 60 percent of infidelity among women can be best explained by factors other than heredity like the environment.

Blaming everything on heredity, in my opinion, is escapism at its best. There are things that we can't do much about like physical deformities and illnesses caused by heredity, but when it comes to bad behavior, I believe that people have strong chances of fighting and even beating it. Sure, we can always claim we shoplift or we cheat because we inherited it from our parents, but the fact that we know what we are doing is already a positive step in seeing that we can get rid of it.

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